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Alternate Syno Conversion help

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Has any brave soul done a syno conversion using lye (NaOH). Anybody even think of it. I'm just a dumbass BB but I kow a liitle about this and maybe some other dumbass BB knows alittle something and we can put Dumbass ideas together to make some really heavy Test. Anybody...Any input will be appreciated

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Sure, you end up with TNE rather than prop though. More than a few people have done it on anabolic minds.

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this is what i found for making tne usinging lye or (naoh)

<SPAN class=postcolor>Ok guys, this is a simple and easy way to convert Synovex-H to get test base, which can be used in a transdermal application. You will yield anywhere from 12-20g test base from this, depending upon how careful you are with this process. This was developed by Chemo and I got much help from Wardog and Bobo. There are kits out there (such as Dazed's kit at /" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> ) to do this for Test Prop inject, but why do that when it's more $$$, and if you want a
transdermal this is the way to go.

Materials needed:

1. 1 box Synovex-H (available at or other farm or vet retailers), around $85
2. 2 bottles Heet (available everywhere for your car), around $2-3
3. 1 Bottle Red Devil Lye (Available at grocery stores, Walmart, Hardware store), around $5
4. Glass coffee pot and bucket(s) or other containers
5. Dust masks and/or coffee filters
6. Pill crusher if desired (available at any drug store), around $5

Ok, the how and why(s) of it:

Synovex H is a cattle implant that contains Testosterone Propionate and estradiol. We are going to remove the estradiol and strip away the propionate ester to end with test base! Ok, on to the conversion:

1. Crush all the syno pellets and place them in the glass coffee pot or bucket and fill with the 2 bottles of Heet. I used a cheap pill crusher I found at a local drug store, made it real quick and easy. If you don't crush them,they simply take much longer to dissolve. Let the pellets dissolve until the only thing left is the white filler which should settle to the bottom. It wll look like a hit cloudy substance when stirred, no granular particles. With crushed pellets this could be only a few hours.

2. Next filter out the filler materials from the Heet solution. I suggest you get a small funnel like used for adding oil to your car, and place a dust mask in it and filter away. Set that aside and move on to playing with lye, chemical burns are fun! I'm kidding, but be careful you big idiot!<!--emo&--><!--endemo-->

3. Next you need to add saturated sodium hydroxide (Red Devil Lye). This will remove the esters and make the estradiol water soluble. To get saturated sodium hydroxide you need to get a small, thick glass container and do this step in a cold water bath. Start by putting about 2 ounces (or 1/4 cup) of water in the glass, and slowly add the lye a tablespoon or so at a time. IT WILL GET VERY HOT, hence the cold water bath. You will notice the lye dissolve in the water quickly, just keep slowly adding lye until it doesn't dissolve anymore (remains powder or crystals), then add just a little more water. This is "saturated" sodium hydroxide. Add this to the Heet mix, stir it up, and let it sit for at least a day.

4. Next we will add water to make the test base precipitate out into powder or crystals. There are 2 ways of doing this:
A. Add about a 1/2 gallon of water to the mix, stir it up and the test powder will form. If you do this your filtering will be much more time consuming, but it does work fine.

B. "The Wardog Way" This is the more efficient way of getting test base, especially time-wise. Get a paper or plastic sup or container, something that will hold 1/2 gallon or you'll have to keep filling it up. I used a milk jug. Your mix should be in the coffee pot, so it probably won't hold a 1/2 gallon of water, so pour it in a bucket. Get some cardboard and cut a hole in it in the center, and place over the bucket. You are going to poke a tiny little hole (with a needle, I mean tiny damnit!) in the bottom of the plastic jug or cup and let the 1/2 gallon of water slowly drip into the heet and lye mix. This will form test crystals, big nice pretty crystals that are easy to filter!

5. Once the water has been added and test powder or crystals formed, now just filter out and rinse the test. I tried using a dust mask for the powder, won't work, too damn slow. A coffee filter will do fine, or if you have crystals a permanent coffee filter (usually has a reinforced mesh, available at Walmart or grocery store) is better. With test powder expect some time invested in filtering it, with crystals it's done in minutes. Once you are done, rinse the test repeatedly to make sure the excess hydroxide is off completely, no reason to cycle Red Devil! Now let it dry overnight or give it a bake in the oven at a VERY LOW temp. My oven goes as low as 170, I used that and let it bake to speed up the drying process, but don't burn it you fool! Now chop it up with a razor like Scarface and there you have test base!!

I added mine to BDC t-gel for a transdermal cycle, and after your first time doing this you may not feel like homebrewing anything else besides the test lol, but hey if so go for it! I will revise this if needed after I proofread it, so please feel free to make suggest

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so this iwll get rid of all the estrogen in it? i can then add the powder to solution to make synasol?

what is TNE, whats the differnce between it and prop?

thanks bros

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i believe from my reading it will remove the estro,tne is (test no ester) the lye would remove the ester from the test prop.and also make the estro water soluble

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Anyone know what the full chemical name of that test would be with the ester removed?

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it would be testosterone base

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so what can i do with a test base? as i mentioned, my ultimate goal is to make a transdermal spray

sorry if my questions r kinda basic, but i'm new to this and trying to learn
thanks bros!

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i think u can make it into a transdermal gel i'm not sure about a spray.

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Thanks for putting the NaOH Syno Strip into writing. This is my process to the tee. I guess it's pretty standard. I do have a suggestion for filtering the final prodct. Try your local MAB paint store, they have these very cheap conical paper and mesh filters that are perfect for end stage rinsing of your TNE. I believe they are called paint filters or mixing filters. I found them because I had some sawdust blow into an almost full can of paint I was using on the House. I asked the MAB guy and he came right out with these filters. Man, things clicked right away....I bought 5 at a buck a piece. One for paint, 4 for the cattle. Again, Good Job Razor!

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Thanks for putting the NaOH Syno Strip into writing. This is my process to the tee. I guess it's pretty standard. I do have a suggestion for filtering the final prodct. Try your local MAB paint store, they have these very cheap conical paper and mesh filters that are perfect for end stage rinsing of your TNE. I believe they are called paint filters or mixing filters. I found them because I had some sawdust blow into an almost full can of paint I was using on the House. I asked the MAB guy and he came right out with these filters. Man, things clicked right away....I bought 5 at a buck a piece. One for paint, 4 for the cattle. Again, Good Job Razor!

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thanks.....just tryin to help out

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great info guys. . . but. . .
what can i then do with this powder? how do i convert it into a spray or cream transdermal?


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i think for the transdermal gel you just mix it with the gel and the gel will transport the test into the bloodstream,you would have to find a transdermal gel...never used it before .

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A simple recipe would be:
40% isopropyl alcohol
30% isopropyl myristrate
10% DMSO
10% oleic acid
5% glycerin or PG
5% d-limonene

Add your test. powder to this mix, shake, heat, and serve slightly warm. Try to keep it under 42mg/ml. Some powders dissolve harder than others; I don't know about test.

This is a liquid for spray form, by the way.

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